The Best Front Lawn Landscape Ideas That Will Boost Your Home's Curb Appeal

These simple modifications or additions will add sophistication and style to the front of your house.

Beautiful home with clean landscaping

Curb appeal is a hot topic for homeowners. It doesn't only increase the value of your house—a beautiful yard will appeal to both buyers and borrowers, getting you top dollar when it comes time to rent or sell your property—but it can also make utilizing every inch of your outdoor space more enjoyable.

One great way to improve your home's exterior without making pricy structural changes to its façade or permanent fixtures? Focus on your front lawn landscape. Improving the turf, filling your garden beds, and expanding the zones of your front yard are easy ways to boost your space's aesthetics—and they are often easier on both your back and wallet.

Potted flowers on the front stoop
Linda Raymond / GETTY IMAGES

Line Walkways and Porch Steps With Planters

Incorporating planters, flower pots, and other vessels that pair well with the style of your home is a great way to elevate your front lawn landscape—especially if you choose varieties that connect these pathways to your front-facing garden beds, notes Sara Gasbarra, the founder of Verdura Garden Design. "Glazed ceramic pots with cascading blooms and foliage can add pops of vibrant color to walkways or a front porch," she says, adding that a collection of vintage terra-cotta pots clustered on each side of a walkway can also add a textural element.

If you want to go big, try using two larger vessels with potted trees (like olive or citrus); these options can create balance on opposite sides of a home's façade. As an added bonus, planters can be moved, reorganized, and positioned allowing you to create different "looks" as the seasons progress.

Gardener is trimming a hedge. Hands in green gloves with trimming scissors.

Manicure Your Hedges

Another inexpensive way to give your front lawn landscape a quick and easy makeover is to trim any hedges that line its border. Want to go above and beyond? Consider manicured shapes, like circles or squares, for a more polished look.

"Bushes, hedges, and shrubs possess a natural beauty that can boost the curb appeal of your home, while providing an attractive complement to lawns, trees, gardens, and hardscapes," says Sara Bendrick, a STIHL national spokesperson and professional landscape designer and contractor. "Well-trimmed plants also prevent your outdoor spaces from looking overgrown and open up walkways."

Stone path in vibrant flower garden

Vary Your Front-Facing Garden's Bloom Times

When you think about creating a beautiful front lawn landscape, growing-season improvements, like summer blooms and bubbling fountains, likely come to mind—but not accounting for visual interest in the fall and winter months, as well, would be a mistake, adds Gasbarra. "Select perennial and annual plants which showcase their blooms and foliage at different times throughout the year," she says. This will help you achieve a stunning front yard that delivers beauty all year round.

tapestry lawn
Johner Images / Getty Images

Upgrade—or Rethink—Your Front Lawn

It may seem obvious, but nothing boosts your home's lawn faster than a fresh cut. Take the time to mow carefully, leaving behind those attractive, just-cut lines in your wake. According to Eric Halfman, the go-to-market manager at John Deere, a well-manicured lawn can make you the envy of your neighbors. "Make sure the lawn is well-kept," he says. "This includes landscaping that is neat and a lawn that is recently mowed and fertilized."

A smooth plain of green turf, however, isn't your only option when it comes to your front lawn. Consider converting a zone into an eco-friendly clover lawn, which requires minimal upkeep and water—or fill another section with dainty, but hardy blooms that can withstand some foot traffic (these patches are called tapestry lawns). Another option? Rip up those high-maintenance green blades and replace them with native grasses that look better when you let them be.

Woman planting lavender
Elva Etienne / GETTY IMAGES

Fill Your Front Yard With Edible Art

Filling your front lawn's garden beds with culinary herbs and edible flowers is a simple way to turn this area of your outdoor space into a multifunctional haven. Adding these types of plants into your ornamental landscape—especially perennials, like sage, lavender, thyme, and rosemary—can boost your yard's appeal and make it more attractive to important visitors.

"These herbs serve many purposes in the garden," she says. "Their blooms attract beneficial pollinators, their foliage and flowers can be harvested for kitchen use, and they provide a striking display when planted together. They also have a long growing season."

Closeup of patio outdoor spring flower garden in backyard porch of home, zen with pergola canopy wooden gazebo, plants

Add a Structural Focal Point

Wooden arbors, leaning wrought-iron trellises, and obelisks are all great examples of structural focal points that can add both interest and function to your front lawn landscape. Place them in parts of your yard that feel lackluster or empty—and bring them to life with show-stopping vine varieties that command visual attention. "Use them to create height and add drama by showcasing a flowering vine like clematis, climbing roses, wisteria, or even ruby moon hyacinth bean," says Gasbarra.

Pretty garden and entryway next to the paved driveway.

Use Every Inch of Your Front Yard Landscape

Make your yard appear bigger by extending your landscape right to the curb of the street or the lip of your driveway. You can even use the straight edge or curvature of your hardscape to create narrow beds for shrubbery or perennial blooms that transform this utilitarian and practical space into one that is more pleasing to the eye. "Shrubbery along a driveway can also provide privacy and serve as a natural 'guardrail,' protecting your front lawn and other vegetation," says Gasbarra.

Old beach cottage with wood shake siding. Window with turquoise shutters and white wooden window box and trailing pink and white flowers in summer.
MarianBayley / GETTY IMAGES

Don't Forget About Your Front-of-House Windows

Are you working within a budget or don't have the time to commit to a large-scale upgrade? Add window boxes or trough style planters to your property instead of reworking the front yard entirely, shares Gasbarra—it has a visual impact that will resonate across your entire landscape. "Fill them with a combination of flowers, foliage, and herbs," she says, adding that a pair of window boxes can quickly and inexpensively dress up the front of your home.

If you don't have the space for window boxes, add a pair of trough style planters (she recommends cedar or steel), which will provide enough room for a small display of plants. "Swap plants out as you move from spring to summer and into fall," she says.

Wooden patio furniture

Take Your Indoor Living Spaces Out Front

Outdoor seating areas shouldn't be limited to the backyard, notes Gasbarra. That's why she suggests using patio furniture to break up large expanses of lawn, while also adding additional living spaces. "A pathway of stone pavers can lead to a designated area with a pair of Adirondack chairs or an antique garden bench," she says. Include decorative elements, like containers, small statues, or shade trees to make the space feel more intentional.

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