Knit Slippers

Slide into a pair of these handmade accessories to keep comfy, cozy, and warm.

knit slippers

Note: These instructions are for a women's size medium sock. They require basic knitting skills, but are not complicated; if you can knit in the round, you already know everything you need to know to get started. If you are a beginner, refer to our knitting guide for abbreviations.

What You'll Need


  • Size 2 double-pointed knitting needles
  • 2 skeins bulky yarn


  1. Cuff and leg: Cast on 60 stitches (sts) on size 2 double-pointed needles. Divide sts among 3 needles with 20 on each. Knit cuff in rib (k2, p2) for 5 rounds. K only until leg is 6 inches or the desired length from the beginning of the heel.

  2. Heel flap: Divide sts among 3 needles again, placing 30 sts on 1 needle for the heel flap and 15 on remaining 2 needles for the instep. Working on the heel needle only, knit in stockinette (k 1 row, p 1 row) for 22 rows; always slip first st of each row. End with a knit row.

  3. Heel turning: P15 (14, 8) sts. P1, purl 2 together (p2tog) p1, turn. Slip (sl) 1, k2 (3, 3), k1, slip, slip, knit (ssk) k1, turn. Sl1, p up to the stitch preceding gap created by the slipped st on the previous row, p2tog to close gap, p1, turn. Sl1, knit up to the stitch preceding the gap created by the slipped st on the previous round, ssk across gap, k1, turn. Continue until you have 17 sts on your needle. If you don't end on right side, turn the work and knit across.

  4. Instep and gusset: Pick up 1 st in each "chain" along the left side of the heel, as shown, and k across. (To avoid holes, pick up an extra st or two at the corners of the instep.) Combine sts from the 2 instep needles, placing 30 instep sts on 1 needle. K across instep sts. Pick up 1 st in each "chain" along the right side of the heel, and k across. Divide heel sts evenly between 2 needles. Keeping in mind that each round begins at the center of the heel, work as follows. On needle 1: k to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1. On needle 2: k across instep. On needle 3: k1, ssk, k to end. Knit 1 round. Repeat until 60 sts remain.

  5. Foot and toe: Each round begins at center of heel. Knit until foot measures 7 inches (7 inches, 2 1/2 inches) from back of heel. Then, on needle 1: k to last 2 sts, k2tog. On needle 2: ssk, k to last 2 sts, k2tog. On needle 3: ssk, k to end. Knit 1 round. Repeat until 30 (27, 15) sts remain. Then decrease, as above, every round until 8 sts remain. Break yarn; thread through sts twice. Secure with a knot.

Originally appeared: MARTHA STEWART
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