See How Martha Decorates With Pussy Willows—Her Favorite Sign of Spring

It can be used in wreaths, baskets, décor, and so much more.

While the ground thaws and winter snow melts away, there's one thing Martha is watching for as a welcome sign of spring: pussy willows. Appearing early in the spring, pussy willow is one of nature's earliest reminders that the garden will flourish again. Light, supple, and strong, pussy willow branches can be used as filler in flower arrangements, displayed as whimsical table décor, and woven into a beautiful spring wreath or basket (our founder's favorite way to use the branches!).

What Are Pussy Willows?

A pussy willow is a shrub that's famous for its long branches that form catkins—clusters of hundreds of flowers without petals. The deciduous shrub is commonly found in wetlands and begins to produce its catkins just after winter's end. Pussy willow was given its name because the silvery catkins resemble that of a cat's paw—a fact Martha knows well from childhood. "I would take a snippet of branch with its velvety gray catkins and run it across my cheeks, imagining that the catkins were indeed the soft paws of a kitten," she said in a past issue of Martha Stewart Living.

painted egg centerpiece
Courtesy of Johnny Miller

How to Make a Pussy Willow Basket

While there are many ways to decorate with pussy willows, Martha loves to turn the branches into a basket, something she did during her childhood. "We made arrangements of pussy willows, and fashioned baskets and hoops and little huts from the flexible and furry branches," she has said.


There are a few materials you'll need before tackling this craft.

  • Straight-sided glass container
  • 26-gauge floral wire
  • One piece of sheet moss
  • Glue
  • Pussy willow branches

How to Make the Basket

This unique basket can be used for displaying everything from flowers to Easter eggs come spring. "A charming pussy willow basket like this is a good thing," Martha said in a TV segment, teaching viewers how to make the basket.

  1. Place the moss on top of two pieces of floral wire.
  2. Place the glass container, straight-side down on top of the moss.
  3. Wrap the moss around the container, covering all sides.
  4. Wrap the wire around the container and twist it so the moss is secure.
  5. Fill in any bare spots with extra moss.
  6. Wrap another piece of floral wire about a 1/2 inch from the bottom of the container, leaving it slightly loose.
  7. Stand the container upright. Glue any excess moss at the opening down inside the container.
  8. Cut pussy willow branches to about the height of your container.
  9. Insert the branches into the bottom floral wire until they cover the entire container.
  10. Once the container is covered, wrap another piece of floral wire around the top of the container to secure the pussy willow branches.
  11. Trim your floral wire.

How to Make the Handle

Make a handle to complete your basket. "It's not a secure handle, so don't think you'll be able to just pick up the container with it because you won't be able to," Martha said.

  1. Take two or three pussy willow branches (about 4 times the height of the basket).
  2. Cut small pieces of floral wire.
  3. Secure the pussy willow branches together with floral wire. Trim the wire.
  4. On one side of the container, stick the branches between the pussy willows and the moss, using the floral wire at the top of the container to keep it secure.
  5. Bend the branches so they arch over the container and secure on the other side.
Updated by
Madeline Buiano
Madeline Buiano is an associate editor at, sharing her knowledge on a range of topics—from gardening and cleaning to home and pets. She has five years of writing and editing experience in the digital publishing industry.
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