7 Clever Ideas for Organizing and Storing Yarn

See the storage solutions that have worked well for other crafters.

cabinet of yarn
Photo: Jeff Sowder

Your craft room can take on a life of its own. Yarn remnants from old projects provide a colorful reminder of all the joy that knitting or crochet brings into your life. We know that we should store our yarn to keep it from getting tangled or dirty, but there are more ways to do this than locking it up in a cabinet or drawer. Think of storage as another way to decorate. Colorful hanks, skeins, and balls of yarn can be stored so that they are found at a glance and are easily accessible, all without ever looking cluttered. From bookshelf makeovers to rolling carts, try these solutions for storing and organizing yarn once and for all.

Wall Cabinet

Something as simple as a cubbyhole shelf can be turned into storage for yarn and other craft supplies. Organize the skeins by color, weight category, or even fiber. The individual square shelves keep the yarn separated and neat in a visual display.

Ryan K Liebe

Baskets and Bins

Keep your yarn organized with this sturdy denim storage bin. This DIY project uses six pieces of denim of various sizes that you sew together and fold to create the storage baskets. Made from a double ply of denim, it's just the stuff for keeping knitting supplies, needles, and yarn all together and tidy. Organize by color and type of yarn then stack the bins.

yarn storage
Jimena Peck

Hanging Closet Organizers

Take notes from Anne Weil of Flax & Twine, who came up with an inventive storage solution for organizing her yarn by color. "I use hanging sweater storage to organize my yarn by color. I love storing yarn this way so it's always at my fingertips and visually inspiring at the same time," she says. "If I have an idea, I can easily grab a fiber or color that complements my idea. I store large sweater-quantities of yarn in see-through bins." Have extra closet space? Then this might work for you, too.

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