What Should You Do If a Bridesmaid Is Simply Nowhere to Be Found on the Wedding Day?

The odds of this happening are slim to none, but because an absentee bridesmaid can be cause for a variety of different reasons, it's important to be prepared.

Photo: Jose Villa

The wedding day is a busy one, so it stands to reason that you'll be looking for someone at some point leading up to, during, or after the ceremony and reception. But what happens when that someone you're looking for was meant to be by your side from start to finish? Here, we explain what to do when a bridesmaid is a no-show on the wedding day. While this is an extremely unlikely scenario, life does happen, so it's important to be prepared and know how to react.

Try to get in contact with her.

Your first concern should be for her well-being, not whether your photos will look unbalanced because you'll have one too many groomsmen. Call, text, email, Facebook or Instagram message her—basically, try and any all means of communication. If you don't hear back from her in a reasonable amount of time, contact a relative of hers or a friend who may know something.

Have someone drive over to her place.

If she lives near where you're getting married, ask someone if they can go over and check on her—that someone, however, should not be another bridesmaid since sending more members of the bridal party off could impact the getting-ready timeline. If the groomsmen have a little downtime before the ceremony, see if one of them can go over; otherwise, tap a friend or family member who will be a guest at the wedding and have a few hours of spare time.

Think back: Has she been upset recently with something wedding-related?

Maybe it's a passive-aggressive move on her part: She's unhappy with the dress, the fact that you're getting married before her, or something else that she didn't discuss with you before the wedding. Being a no-show bridesmaid might be her chance to get back of you on a day that Is incredibly important to you and your family.

Go ahead with your plans.

If you still have no news when it's time to walk down the aisle, do what you'd planned. Get married. Dance at the reception. Let the extra groomsman escort a bridesmaid with another groomsman. Chances are your friend is fine and will resurface when she's ready.

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