A Recent Survey Finds That 67% of Americans Watch Shows Their Partner Hates When Home Alone

What do you do when your significant other isn't around?

Everyone needs some sort of alone time. Whether it's to exercise or sit at home and catch up on your favorite shows, carving out time just for you is important. Even people that live with their significant others relish in having the house to themselves, according to a new survey conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Ring. Spouses admit to eating, baking, and watching everything their partner hates when they're home alone.

To obtain their findings, researchers asked 2,000 married homeowners over the age of 35 about how they make the most of their alone time. It turns out two-thirds will take advantage of their partner's absence to binge-watch TV shows or movies that their significant other dislikes. Additionally, one-third admit to talking to themselves when no one is around. Another 34 percent cook or bake recipes their partner doesn't like and the same number of respondents talk to their pets when home alone.

male watching tv on sofa alone
Kobus Louw / Getty Images

Despite enjoying their alone time, more than half (56 percent) of respondents worry about whether or not they forgot to lock the doors and shut the windows when it's time for bed. The survey also found that 87 percent of homeowners feel informed about their neighborhood's safety. While 25 percent of respondents worry about what happens on their block at nighttime, 35 percent are more concerned with to-do lists and upcoming deadlines.

In order to quell safety concerns, most respondents have home security systems set up. The technology has caught everything from unexpected to critters to intruder break-ins, according to the survey. Of the respondents that have a home security system, more than half feel the most valuable part is being able to check the cameras when they're at home or away, and 59 percent check their home security systems at least once a day

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